Wednesday, December 27, 2017
January 1st is quite arguably the busiest day at the gym. More than 1/3 of the population makes getting in shape their New Year’s Resolution every year! After about 3-4 weeks, the gym attendance goes back to normal when resolutions begin getting put on the back burner. At Squisito, our resolutions don’t end in January; in fact, the New Year is an exciting time to prep for a busy, successful, Italian filled year! Sophia Loren said it best “Everything you see, I owe to spaghetti”. Pasta is great year round, and so are resolutions that last past January! Here are some of the best business resolutions and how we are implementing them at Squisito. Be Trendy According to the NRA’s 2018 Culinary Forecast the hottest restaurant concept of the year is “Chef- driven fast-casual concepts”. With traditional Italian cuisine orchestrated by a native Italian chef, Squisito is the perfect fit! Having delicious food in a fast-casual setting with affordable prices is key to being trendy in the ever-changing restaurant industry. Give Back One of the greatest feelings comes when you give back to the community! Having a restaurant that is built around helping the neighborhood around them is vital. Not only does it make everyone on the team feel like they are making an impact but it also strengthens the community and brings back repeat customers! Giving back is easy to do year round and will result in an awesome return! Stay Fresh Millennials and diners today are craving fresh, delicious food! Feeding our bodies healthy, fresh cuisine not only feels good but is also one of the biggest trends nowadays! Fresh doesn’t just come in the summer, it’s an awesome resolution to follow through with month after month with quality food. Squisito Pizza & Pasta is a fresh, traditional Italian concept that resolves to be trendy, fresh and a huge support to its community making it a win-win concept! Near Years Resolutions don’t have to end on January 31st, they can be a year long goal and we at Squisito welcome the challenge.